Package taosrest

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from .connection import TaosRestConnection, Result
from .cursor import TaosRestCursor
from .restclient import RestClient
from .errors import *

def connect(**kwargs) -> TaosRestConnection:
   Keyword Arguments
   - url: str,
        url to connect
   - token: str,
        TDengine cloud Token, which is required only by TDengine cloud service
   - user : str, optional.
       username used to log in
   - password : str, optional.
       password used to log in
   - timeout : int, optional.
       the optional timeout parameter specifies a timeout in seconds for blocking operations

    connect to cloud service
    import taosrest, os
    url = os.environ("TDENGINE_CLOUD_URL")
    token = os.environ("TDENGINE_ClOUD_TOKEN")
    conn = taosrest.connect(url=url, token=token)
   connect to local TDengine
   import taosrest
   conn = taosrest.connect(url="http://ocalhost:6041")

    return TaosRestConnection(**kwargs)




def connect(**kwargs) ‑> TaosRestConnection

Keyword Arguments

  • url: str, url to connect
  • token: str, TDengine cloud Token, which is required only by TDengine cloud service
  • user : str, optional. username used to log in
  • password : str, optional. password used to log in
  • timeout : int, optional. the optional timeout parameter specifies a timeout in seconds for blocking operations


connect to cloud service python import taosrest, os url = os.environ("TDENGINE_CLOUD_URL") token = os.environ("TDENGINE_ClOUD_TOKEN") conn = taosrest.connect(url=url, token=token) connect to local TDengine

import taosrest
conn = taosrest.connect(url="http://ocalhost:6041")
Expand source code
def connect(**kwargs) -> TaosRestConnection:
   Keyword Arguments
   - url: str,
        url to connect
   - token: str,
        TDengine cloud Token, which is required only by TDengine cloud service
   - user : str, optional.
       username used to log in
   - password : str, optional.
       password used to log in
   - timeout : int, optional.
       the optional timeout parameter specifies a timeout in seconds for blocking operations

    connect to cloud service
    import taosrest, os
    url = os.environ("TDENGINE_CLOUD_URL")
    token = os.environ("TDENGINE_ClOUD_TOKEN")
    conn = taosrest.connect(url=url, token=token)
   connect to local TDengine
   import taosrest
   conn = taosrest.connect(url="http://ocalhost:6041")

    return TaosRestConnection(**kwargs)