Module taos.cinterface
Expand source code
# encoding:UTF-8
import ctypes
import platform
import inspect
from ctypes import *
import pytz
from typing import Any
except BaseException:
from .error import *
from .schemaless import *
# C interface class
class TaosOption:
Locale = 0
Charset = 1
Timezone = 2
ConfigDir = 3
ShellActivityTimer = 4
MaxOptions = 5
def _load_taos_linux():
return ctypes.CDLL("")
def _load_taos_darwin():
return ctypes.CDLL("libtaos.dylib")
def _load_taos_windows():
return ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary("taos")
def _load_taos():
load_func = {
"Linux": _load_taos_linux,
"Darwin": _load_taos_darwin,
"Windows": _load_taos_windows,
pf = platform.system()
if load_func[pf] is None:
raise InterfaceError("unsupported platform: %s" % pf)
return load_func[pf]()
except Exception as err:
raise InterfaceError("unable to load taos C library: %s" % err)
_libtaos = _load_taos()
_libtaos.taos_get_client_info.restype = c_char_p
def taos_get_client_info():
# type: () -> str
"""Get client version info."""
return _libtaos.taos_get_client_info().decode("utf-8")
IS_V3 = False
if taos_get_client_info().split(".")[0] < "3":
from .field import CONVERT_FUNC, CONVERT_FUNC_BLOCK, TaosFields, TaosField, set_tz
from .field import CONVERT_FUNC, CONVERT_FUNC_BLOCK, TaosFields, TaosField, set_tz
# use _v3s TaosField overwrite _v2s here, dont change import order
from .field_v3 import CONVERT_FUNC_BLOCK_v3, TaosFields, TaosField
from .constants import FieldType
IS_V3 = True
_libtaos.taos_fetch_fields.restype = ctypes.POINTER(TaosField)
_libtaos.taos_init.restype = None
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["taos_init"] = err
_libtaos.taos_connect.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
_libtaos.taos_fetch_row.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)
_libtaos.taos_errstr.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
_libtaos.taos_subscribe.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["taos_subscribe"] = err
_libtaos.taos_consume.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["taos_consume"] = err
_libtaos.taos_fetch_lengths.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)
_libtaos.taos_free_result.restype = None
_libtaos.taos_query.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)
_libtaos.taos_stmt_errstr.restype = c_char_p
except AttributeError:
_libtaos.taos_options.restype = None
_libtaos.taos_options.argtypes = (c_int, c_void_p)
def taos_options(option, value):
# type: (TaosOption, str) -> None
_value = c_char_p(value.encode("utf-8"))
_libtaos.taos_options(option, _value)
def taos_init():
# type: () -> None
C: taos_init
_libtaos.taos_cleanup.restype = None
def taos_cleanup():
# type: () -> None
"""Cleanup workspace."""
_libtaos.taos_get_server_info.restype = c_char_p
_libtaos.taos_get_server_info.argtypes = (c_void_p,)
def taos_get_server_info(connection):
# type: (c_void_p) -> str
"""Get server version as string."""
return _libtaos.taos_get_server_info(connection).decode("utf-8")
_libtaos.taos_close.restype = None
_libtaos.taos_close.argtypes = (c_void_p,)
def taos_close(connection):
# type: (c_void_p) -> None
"""Close the TAOS* connection"""
_libtaos.taos_connect.restype = c_void_p
_libtaos.taos_connect.argtypes = c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_uint16
def taos_connect(host=None, user="root", password="taosdata", db=None, port=0):
# type: (None|str, str, str, None|str, int) -> c_void_p
"""Create TDengine database connection.
- host: server hostname/FQDN
- user: user name
- password: user password
- db: database name (optional)
- port: server port
@rtype: c_void_p, TDengine handle
# host
_host = c_char_p(host.encode("utf-8")) if host is not None else None
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError("host is expected as a str")
# user
_user = c_char_p(user.encode("utf-8"))
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError("user is expected as a str")
# password
_password = c_char_p(password.encode("utf-8"))
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError("password is expected as a str")
# db
_db = c_char_p(db.encode("utf-8")) if db is not None else None
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError("db is expected as a str")
# port
_port = c_uint16(port)
except TypeError:
raise TypeError("port is expected as an uint16")
connection = cast(_libtaos.taos_connect(_host, _user, _password, _db, _port), c_void_p)
if connection.value is None:
null_ptr = c_void_p(None)
errno = taos_errno(null_ptr)
errstr = taos_errstr(null_ptr)
raise ConnectionError(errstr, errno)
return connection
_libtaos.taos_connect_auth.restype = c_void_p
_libtaos.taos_connect_auth.argtypes = c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_uint16
_libtaos.taos_connect_auth.restype = c_void_p
_libtaos.taos_connect_auth.argtypes = c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_uint16
def taos_connect_auth(host=None, user="root", auth="", db=None, port=0):
# type: (None|str, str, str, None|str, int) -> c_void_p
"""Connect server with auth token.
- host: server hostname/FQDN
- user: user name
- auth: base64 encoded auth token
- db: database name (optional)
- port: server port
@rtype: c_void_p, TDengine handle
# host
_host = c_char_p(host.encode("utf-8")) if host is not None else None
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError("host is expected as a str")
# user
_user = c_char_p(user.encode("utf-8"))
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError("user is expected as a str")
# auth
_auth = c_char_p(auth.encode("utf-8"))
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError("password is expected as a str")
# db
_db = c_char_p(db.encode("utf-8")) if db is not None else None
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError("db is expected as a str")
# port
_port = c_int(port)
except TypeError:
raise TypeError("port is expected as an int")
connection = c_void_p(_libtaos.taos_connect_auth(_host, _user, _auth, _db, _port))
if connection.value is None:
null_ptr = c_void_p(None)
errno = taos_errno(null_ptr)
errstr = taos_errstr(null_ptr)
raise ConnectionError(errstr, errno)
return connection
_libtaos.taos_query.restype = c_void_p
_libtaos.taos_query.argtypes = c_void_p, c_char_p
def taos_query(connection, sql):
# type: (c_void_p, str) -> c_void_p
"""Run SQL
- sql: str, sql string to run
@return: TAOS_RES*, result pointer
ptr = c_char_p(sql.encode("utf-8"))
res = c_void_p(_libtaos.taos_query(connection, ptr))
errno = taos_errno(res)
if errno != 0:
errstr = taos_errstr(res)
raise ProgrammingError(errstr, errno)
return res
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError("sql is expected as a string")
async_query_callback_type = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int)
_libtaos.taos_query_a.restype = None
_libtaos.taos_query_a.argtypes = c_void_p, c_char_p, async_query_callback_type, c_void_p
def taos_query_a(connection, sql, callback, param):
# type: (c_void_p, str, async_query_callback_type, c_void_p) -> c_void_p
_libtaos.taos_query_a(connection, c_char_p(sql.encode("utf-8")), async_query_callback_type(callback), param)
async_fetch_rows_callback_type = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int)
_libtaos.taos_fetch_rows_a.restype = None
_libtaos.taos_fetch_rows_a.argtypes = c_void_p, async_fetch_rows_callback_type, c_void_p
def taos_fetch_rows_a(result, callback, param):
# type: (c_void_p, async_fetch_rows_callback_type, c_void_p) -> c_void_p
_libtaos.taos_fetch_rows_a(result, async_fetch_rows_callback_type(callback), param)
def taos_affected_rows(result):
# type: (c_void_p) -> c_int
"""The affected rows after runing query"""
return _libtaos.taos_affected_rows(result)
subscribe_callback_type = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int)
_libtaos.taos_subscribe.restype = c_void_p
# _libtaos.taos_subscribe.argtypes = c_void_p, c_int, c_char_p, c_char_p, subscribe_callback_type, c_void_p, c_int
def taos_subscribe(connection, restart, topic, sql, interval, callback=None, param=None):
# type: (c_void_p, bool, str, str, c_int, subscribe_callback_type, c_void_p | None) -> c_void_p
"""Create a subscription
@restart boolean,
@sql string, sql statement for data query, must be a 'select' statement.
@topic string, name of this subscription
if callback is not None:
callback = subscribe_callback_type(callback)
return c_void_p(
1 if restart else 0,
_libtaos.taos_consume.restype = c_void_p
_libtaos.taos_consume.argstype = (c_void_p,)
def taos_consume(sub):
"""Consume data of a subscription"""
return c_void_p(_libtaos.taos_consume(sub))
_libtaos.taos_unsubscribe.restype = None
_libtaos.taos_unsubscribe.argstype = c_void_p, c_int
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["taos_unsubscribe"] = err
def taos_unsubscribe(sub, keep_progress):
"""Cancel a subscription"""
_libtaos.taos_unsubscribe(sub, 1 if keep_progress else 0)
def taos_use_result(result):
"""Use result after calling self.query, it's just for 1.6."""
fields = []
pfields = taos_fetch_fields_raw(result)
for i in range(taos_field_count(result)):
"name": pfields[i].name,
"bytes": pfields[i].bytes,
"type": pfields[i].type,
return fields
_libtaos.taos_is_null.restype = c_bool
_libtaos.taos_is_null.argtypes = ctypes.c_void_p, c_int, c_int
def taos_is_null(result, row, col):
return _libtaos.taos_is_null(result, row, col)
_libtaos.taos_fetch_block.restype = c_int
_libtaos.taos_fetch_block.argtypes = c_void_p, c_void_p
def taos_fetch_block_raw(result):
pblock = ctypes.c_void_p(0)
num_of_rows = _libtaos.taos_fetch_block(result, ctypes.byref(pblock))
if num_of_rows == 0:
return None, 0
return pblock, abs(num_of_rows)
if not IS_V3:
_libtaos.taos_get_column_data_offset.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)
_libtaos.taos_get_column_data_offset.argtypes = ctypes.c_void_p, c_int
def taos_get_column_data_offset(result, field, rows):
# Make sure to call taos_get_column_data_offset after taos_fetch_block()
offsets = _libtaos.taos_get_column_data_offset(result, field)
if not offsets:
raise OperationalError("offsets empty, use taos_fetch_block before it")
return offsets[:rows]
def taos_fetch_block_v3(result, fields=None, field_count=None):
if fields is None:
fields = taos_fetch_fields(result)
if field_count is None:
field_count = taos_field_count(result)
pblock = ctypes.c_void_p(0)
num_of_rows = _libtaos.taos_fetch_block(result, ctypes.byref(pblock))
if num_of_rows == 0:
return None, 0
precision = taos_result_precision(result)
blocks = [None] * field_count
for i in range(len(fields)):
data = ctypes.cast(pblock, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p))[i]
if fields[i]["type"] not in CONVERT_FUNC_BLOCK_v3 and fields[i]["type"] not in CONVERT_FUNC_BLOCK:
raise DatabaseError("Invalid data type returned from database")
offsets = []
is_null = []
if fields[i]["type"] in (FieldType.C_VARCHAR, FieldType.C_NCHAR, FieldType.C_JSON):
offsets = taos_get_column_data_offset(result, i, num_of_rows)
blocks[i] = CONVERT_FUNC_BLOCK_v3[fields[i]["type"]](data, is_null, num_of_rows, offsets, precision)
is_null = [taos_is_null(result, j, i) for j in range(num_of_rows)]
blocks[i] = CONVERT_FUNC_BLOCK[fields[i]["type"]](data, is_null, num_of_rows, offsets, precision)
return blocks, abs(num_of_rows)
def taos_fetch_block_v2(result, fields=None, field_count=None):
pblock = ctypes.c_void_p(0)
num_of_rows = _libtaos.taos_fetch_block(result, ctypes.byref(pblock))
if num_of_rows == 0:
return None, 0
precision = taos_result_precision(result)
if fields is None:
fields = taos_fetch_fields(result)
if field_count is None:
field_count = taos_field_count(result)
blocks = [None] * field_count
fieldLen = taos_fetch_lengths(result, field_count)
for i in range(len(fields)):
data = ctypes.cast(pblock, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p))[i]
if fields[i]["type"] not in CONVERT_FUNC:
raise DatabaseError("Invalid data type returned from database")
is_null = [taos_is_null(result, j, i) for j in range(num_of_rows)]
blocks[i] = CONVERT_FUNC_BLOCK[fields[i]["type"]](data, is_null, num_of_rows, fieldLen[i], precision)
return blocks, abs(num_of_rows)
if not IS_V3:
taos_fetch_block = taos_fetch_block_v2
taos_fetch_block = taos_fetch_block_v3
_libtaos.taos_fetch_row.restype = c_void_p
_libtaos.taos_fetch_row.argtypes = (c_void_p,)
def taos_fetch_row_raw(result):
# type: (c_void_p) -> c_void_p
row = c_void_p(_libtaos.taos_fetch_row(result))
if row:
return row
return None
def taos_fetch_row(result, fields):
# type: (c_void_p, Array[TaosField]) -> tuple(c_void_p, int)
pblock = ctypes.c_void_p(0)
pblock = taos_fetch_row_raw(result)
if pblock:
num_of_rows = 1
precision = taos_result_precision(result)
field_count = taos_field_count(result)
blocks = [None] * field_count
field_lens = taos_fetch_lengths(result, field_count)
for i in range(field_count):
data = ctypes.cast(pblock, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p))[i]
if fields[i].type not in CONVERT_FUNC:
raise DatabaseError("Invalid data type returned from database")
if data is None:
blocks[i] = [None]
blocks[i] = CONVERT_FUNC[fields[i].type](data, [False], num_of_rows, field_lens[i], precision)
return None, 0
return blocks, abs(num_of_rows)
_libtaos.taos_free_result.argtypes = (c_void_p,)
def taos_free_result(result):
# type: (c_void_p) -> None
if result is not None:
_libtaos.taos_field_count.restype = c_int
_libtaos.taos_field_count.argstype = (c_void_p,)
def taos_field_count(result):
# type: (c_void_p) -> int
return _libtaos.taos_field_count(result)
def taos_num_fields(result):
# type: (c_void_p) -> int
return _libtaos.taos_num_fields(result)
_libtaos.taos_fetch_fields.restype = c_void_p
_libtaos.taos_fetch_fields.argstype = (c_void_p,)
def taos_fetch_fields_raw(result):
# type: (c_void_p) -> c_void_p
return c_void_p(_libtaos.taos_fetch_fields(result))
def taos_fetch_fields(result):
# type: (c_void_p) -> TaosFields
fields = taos_fetch_fields_raw(result)
count = taos_field_count(result)
return TaosFields(fields, count)
def taos_fetch_lengths(result, field_count=None):
# type: (c_void_p, int) -> Array[int]
"""Make sure to call taos_fetch_row or taos_fetch_block before fetch_lengths"""
lens = _libtaos.taos_fetch_lengths(result)
if field_count is None:
field_count = taos_field_count(result)
if not lens:
raise OperationalError("field length empty, use taos_fetch_row/block before it")
return lens[:field_count]
def taos_result_precision(result):
# type: (c_void_p) -> c_int
return _libtaos.taos_result_precision(result)
_libtaos.taos_errno.restype = c_int
_libtaos.taos_errno.argstype = (c_void_p,)
def taos_errno(result):
# type: (ctypes.c_void_p) -> c_int
"""Return the error number."""
return _libtaos.taos_errno(result)
_libtaos.taos_errstr.restype = c_char_p
_libtaos.taos_errstr.argstype = (c_void_p,)
def taos_errstr(result=c_void_p(None)):
# type: (ctypes.c_void_p) -> str
"""Return the error styring"""
return _libtaos.taos_errstr(result).decode("utf-8")
_libtaos.taos_stop_query.restype = None
_libtaos.taos_stop_query.argstype = (c_void_p,)
def taos_stop_query(result):
# type: (ctypes.c_void_p) -> None
"""Stop current query"""
return _libtaos.taos_stop_query(result)
_libtaos.taos_load_table_info.restype = c_int
_libtaos.taos_load_table_info.argstype = (c_void_p, c_char_p)
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["taos_load_table_info"] = err
def taos_load_table_info(connection, tables):
# type: (ctypes.c_void_p, str) -> None
"""Stop current query"""
errno = _libtaos.taos_load_table_info(connection, c_char_p(tables.encode("utf-8")))
if errno != 0:
msg = taos_errstr()
raise OperationalError(msg, errno)
_libtaos.taos_validate_sql.restype = c_int
_libtaos.taos_validate_sql.argstype = (c_void_p, c_char_p)
def taos_validate_sql(connection, sql):
# type: (ctypes.c_void_p, str) -> None | str
"""Get taosd server info"""
errno = _libtaos.taos_validate_sql(connection, ctypes.c_char_p(sql.encode("utf-8")))
if errno != 0:
msg = taos_errstr()
return msg
return None
_libtaos.taos_print_row.restype = c_int
_libtaos.taos_print_row.argstype = (c_char_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int)
def taos_print_row(row, fields, num_fields, buffer_size=4096):
# type: (ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p | TaosFields, int, int) -> str
"""Print an row to string"""
p = ctypes.create_string_buffer(buffer_size)
if isinstance(fields, TaosFields):
_libtaos.taos_print_row(p, row, fields.as_ptr(), num_fields)
_libtaos.taos_print_row(p, row, fields, num_fields)
if p:
return p.value.decode("utf-8")
raise OperationalError("taos_print_row failed")
_libtaos.taos_select_db.restype = c_int
_libtaos.taos_select_db.argstype = (c_void_p, c_char_p)
def taos_select_db(connection, db):
# type: (ctypes.c_void_p, str) -> None
"""Select database, eq to sql: use <db>"""
res = _libtaos.taos_select_db(connection, ctypes.c_char_p(db.encode("utf-8")))
if res != 0:
raise DatabaseError("select database error", res)
_libtaos.taos_stmt_init.restype = c_void_p
_libtaos.taos_stmt_init.argstype = (c_void_p,)
def taos_stmt_init(connection):
# type: (c_void_p) -> (c_void_p)
"""Create a statement query
@param(connection): c_void_p TAOS*
@rtype: c_void_p, *TAOS_STMT
return c_void_p(_libtaos.taos_stmt_init(connection))
_libtaos.taos_stmt_prepare.restype = c_int
_libtaos.taos_stmt_prepare.argstype = (c_void_p, c_char_p, c_int)
def taos_stmt_prepare(stmt, sql):
# type: (ctypes.c_void_p, str) -> None
"""Prepare a statement query
@stmt: c_void_p TAOS_STMT*
buffer = sql.encode("utf-8")
res = _libtaos.taos_stmt_prepare(stmt, ctypes.c_char_p(buffer), len(buffer))
if res != 0:
raise StatementError(msg=taos_stmt_errstr(stmt), errno=res)
_libtaos.taos_stmt_close.restype = c_int
_libtaos.taos_stmt_close.argstype = (c_void_p,)
def taos_stmt_close(stmt):
# type: (ctypes.c_void_p) -> None
"""Close a statement query
@stmt: c_void_p TAOS_STMT*
res = _libtaos.taos_stmt_close(stmt)
if res != 0:
raise StatementError(msg=taos_stmt_errstr(stmt), errno=res)
_libtaos.taos_stmt_errstr.restype = c_char_p
_libtaos.taos_stmt_errstr.argstype = (c_void_p,)
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["taos_stmt_errstr"] = err
def taos_stmt_errstr(stmt):
# type: (ctypes.c_void_p) -> str
"""Get error message from stetement query
@stmt: c_void_p TAOS_STMT*
err = c_char_p(_libtaos.taos_stmt_errstr(stmt))
if err:
return err.value.decode("utf-8")
_libtaos.taos_stmt_set_tbname.restype = c_int
_libtaos.taos_stmt_set_tbname.argstype = (c_void_p, c_char_p)
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["taos_stmt_set_tbname"] = err
def taos_stmt_set_tbname(stmt, name):
# type: (ctypes.c_void_p, str) -> None
"""Set table name of a statement query if exists.
@stmt: c_void_p TAOS_STMT*
res = _libtaos.taos_stmt_set_tbname(stmt, c_char_p(name.encode("utf-8")))
if res != 0:
raise StatementError(msg=taos_stmt_errstr(stmt), errno=res)
_libtaos.taos_stmt_set_tbname_tags.restype = c_int
_libtaos.taos_stmt_set_tbname_tags.argstype = (c_void_p, c_char_p, c_void_p)
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["taos_stmt_set_tbname_tags"] = err
def taos_stmt_set_tbname_tags(stmt, name, tags):
# type: (c_void_p, str, c_void_p) -> None
"""Set table name with tags bind params.
@stmt: c_void_p TAOS_STMT*
res = _libtaos.taos_stmt_set_tbname_tags(stmt, ctypes.c_char_p(name.encode("utf-8")), tags)
if res != 0:
raise StatementError(msg=taos_stmt_errstr(stmt), errno=res)
_libtaos.taos_stmt_is_insert.restype = c_int
_libtaos.taos_stmt_is_insert.argstype = (c_void_p, POINTER(c_int))
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["taos_stmt_is_insert"] = err
def taos_stmt_is_insert(stmt):
# type: (ctypes.c_void_p) -> bool
"""Set table name with tags bind params.
@stmt: c_void_p TAOS_STMT*
is_insert = ctypes.c_int()
res = _libtaos.taos_stmt_is_insert(stmt, ctypes.byref(is_insert))
if res != 0:
raise StatementError(msg=taos_stmt_errstr(stmt), errno=res)
return is_insert == 0
_libtaos.taos_stmt_num_params.restype = c_int
_libtaos.taos_stmt_num_params.argstype = (c_void_p, POINTER(c_int))
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["taos_stmt_num_params"] = err
def taos_stmt_num_params(stmt):
# type: (ctypes.c_void_p) -> int
"""Params number of the current statement query.
@stmt: TAOS_STMT*
num_params = ctypes.c_int()
res = _libtaos.taos_stmt_num_params(stmt, ctypes.byref(num_params))
if res != 0:
raise StatementError(msg=taos_stmt_errstr(stmt), errno=res)
return num_params.value
_libtaos.taos_stmt_bind_param.restype = c_int
_libtaos.taos_stmt_bind_param.argstype = (c_void_p, c_void_p)
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["taos_stmt_bind_param"] = err
def taos_stmt_bind_param(stmt, bind):
# type: (ctypes.c_void_p, Array[TaosBind]) -> None
"""Bind params in the statement query.
@stmt: TAOS_STMT*
@bind: TAOS_BIND*
# ptr = ctypes.cast(bind, POINTER(TaosBind))
# ptr = pointer(bind)
res = _libtaos.taos_stmt_bind_param(stmt, bind)
if res != 0:
raise StatementError(msg=taos_stmt_errstr(stmt), errno=res)
_libtaos.taos_stmt_bind_param_batch.restype = c_int
_libtaos.taos_stmt_bind_param_batch.argstype = (c_void_p, c_void_p)
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["taos_stmt_bind_param_batch"] = err
def taos_stmt_bind_param_batch(stmt, bind):
# type: (ctypes.c_void_p, Array[TaosMultiBind]) -> None
"""Bind params in the statement query.
@stmt: TAOS_STMT*
@bind: TAOS_BIND*
# ptr = ctypes.cast(bind, POINTER(TaosMultiBind))
# ptr = pointer(bind)
res = _libtaos.taos_stmt_bind_param_batch(stmt, bind)
if res != 0:
raise StatementError(msg=taos_stmt_errstr(stmt), errno=res)
_libtaos.taos_stmt_bind_single_param_batch.restype = c_int
_libtaos.taos_stmt_bind_single_param_batch.argstype = (c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int)
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["taos_stmt_bind_single_param_batch"] = err
def taos_stmt_bind_single_param_batch(stmt, bind, col):
# type: (ctypes.c_void_p, Array[TaosMultiBind], c_int) -> None
"""Bind params in the statement query.
@stmt: TAOS_STMT*
@col: column index
res = _libtaos.taos_stmt_bind_single_param_batch(stmt, bind, col)
if res != 0:
raise StatementError(msg=taos_stmt_errstr(stmt), errno=res)
_libtaos.taos_stmt_add_batch.restype = c_int
_libtaos.taos_stmt_add_batch.argstype = (c_void_p,)
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["taos_stmt_add_batch"] = err
def taos_stmt_add_batch(stmt):
# type: (ctypes.c_void_p) -> None
"""Add current params into batch
@stmt: TAOS_STMT*
res = _libtaos.taos_stmt_add_batch(stmt)
if res != 0:
raise StatementError(msg=taos_stmt_errstr(stmt), errno=res)
_libtaos.taos_stmt_execute.restype = c_int
_libtaos.taos_stmt_execute.argstype = (c_void_p,)
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["taos_stmt_execute"] = err
def taos_stmt_execute(stmt):
# type: (ctypes.c_void_p) -> None
"""Execute a statement query
@stmt: TAOS_STMT*
res = _libtaos.taos_stmt_execute(stmt)
if res != 0:
raise StatementError(msg=taos_stmt_errstr(stmt), errno=res)
_libtaos.taos_stmt_use_result.restype = c_void_p
_libtaos.taos_stmt_use_result.argstype = (c_void_p,)
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["taos_stmt_use_result"] = err
def taos_stmt_use_result(stmt):
# type: (ctypes.c_void_p) -> None
"""Get result of the statement.
@stmt: TAOS_STMT*
result = c_void_p(_libtaos.taos_stmt_use_result(stmt))
if result is None:
raise StatementError(taos_stmt_errstr(stmt))
return result
_libtaos.taos_stmt_affected_rows.restype = c_int
_libtaos.taos_stmt_affected_rows.argstype = (c_void_p,)
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["taos_stmt_affected_rows"] = err
def taos_stmt_affected_rows(stmt):
# type: (ctypes.c_void_p) -> int
"""Get stmt affected rows.
@stmt: TAOS_STMT*
return _libtaos.taos_stmt_affected_rows(stmt)
_libtaos.taos_schemaless_insert.restype = c_void_p
_libtaos.taos_schemaless_insert.argstype = c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int, c_int, c_int
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["taos_schemaless_insert"] = err
def taos_schemaless_insert(connection, lines, protocol, precision):
# type: (c_void_p, list[str] | tuple(str), SmlProtocol, SmlPrecision) -> int
num_of_lines = len(lines)
lines = (c_char_p(line.encode("utf-8")) for line in lines)
lines_type = ctypes.c_char_p * num_of_lines
p_lines = lines_type(*lines)
res = c_void_p(_libtaos.taos_schemaless_insert(connection, p_lines, num_of_lines, protocol, precision))
errno = taos_errno(res)
affected_rows = taos_affected_rows(res)
if errno != 0:
errstr = taos_errstr(res)
raise SchemalessError(errstr, errno, affected_rows)
return affected_rows
_libtaos.tmq_conf_new.restype = c_void_p
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["tmq_conf_new"] = err
def tmq_conf_new():
# type: () -> c_void_p
return c_void_p(_libtaos.tmq_conf_new())
_libtaos.tmq_conf_set.restype = c_int
_libtaos.tmq_conf_set.argtypes = (c_void_p, c_char_p, c_char_p)
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["tmq_conf_set"] = err
def tmq_conf_set(conf, key, value):
# type: (c_void_p, c_char_p, c_char_p) -> None
res = _libtaos.tmq_conf_set(conf, ctypes.c_char_p(key.encode("utf-8")), ctypes.c_char_p(value.encode("utf-8")))
if res != 0:
raise TmqError(msg=f"fail to execute tmq_conf_set({key},{value}), code={res}", errno=res)
_libtaos.tmq_conf_destroy.argtypes = (c_void_p,)
_libtaos.tmq_conf_destroy.restype = None
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["tmq_conf_destroy"] = err
def tmq_conf_destroy(conf):
# type (c_void_p,) -> None
tmq_commit_cb = CFUNCTYPE(c_void_p, c_int, c_void_p, c_void_p)
_libtaos.tmq_conf_set_auto_commit_cb.argtypes = (c_void_p, tmq_commit_cb, c_void_p)
_libtaos.tmq_conf_set_auto_commit_cb.restype = None
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["tmq_conf_set_auto_commit_cb"] = err
def tmq_conf_set_auto_commit_cb(conf, cb, param):
# type (c_void_p, tmq_commit_cb, c_void_p) -> None
_libtaos.tmq_conf_set_auto_commit_cb(conf, tmq_commit_cb(cb), param)
_libtaos.tmq_consumer_new.restype = c_void_p
_libtaos.tmq_consumer_new.argtypes = (c_void_p, c_char_p, c_int)
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["tmq_consumer_new"] = err
def tmq_consumer_new(conf, errstrlen=0):
# type (c_void_p, c_char_p, c_int) -> c_void_p
buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(errstrlen)
tmq = cast(_libtaos.tmq_consumer_new(conf, buf, errstrlen), c_void_p)
if tmq.value is None:
raise TmqError("failed on tmq_consumer_new")
return tmq
_libtaos.tmq_list_new.restype = c_void_p
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["tmq_list_new"] = err
def tmq_list_new():
# type () -> c_void_p
return c_void_p(_libtaos.tmq_list_new())
_libtaos.tmq_list_append.restype = c_int
_libtaos.tmq_list_append.argtypes = (c_void_p, c_char_p)
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["tmq_list_append"] = err
def tmq_list_append(list, topic):
# type (c_void_p, c_char_p) -> None
res = _libtaos.tmq_list_append(list, ctypes.c_char_p(topic.encode("utf-8")))
return res
_libtaos.tmq_list_destroy.restype = None
_libtaos.tmq_list_destroy.argtypes = (c_void_p,)
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["tmq_list_destroy"] = err
def tmq_list_destroy(list):
# type (c_void_p,) -> None
_libtaos.tmq_list_get_size.restype = c_int
_libtaos.tmq_list_get_size.argtypes = (c_void_p,)
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["tmq_list_get_size"] = err
_libtaos.tmq_list_to_c_array.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p)
_libtaos.tmq_list_to_c_array.argtypes = (c_void_p,)
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["tmq_list_to_c_array"] = err
def tmq_list_to_c_array(list):
# type (c_void_p,) -> [string]
c_array = _libtaos.tmq_list_to_c_array(list)
size = _libtaos.tmq_list_get_size(list)
res = []
for i in range(size):
return res
_libtaos.tmq_subscribe.argtypes = (c_void_p, c_void_p)
_libtaos.tmq_subscribe.restype = c_int
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["tmq_subscribe"] = err
def tmq_subscribe(tmq, list):
# type (c_void_p, c_void_p) -> None
res = _libtaos.tmq_subscribe(tmq, list)
if res != 0:
raise TmqError(msg="failed on tmq_subscribe()", errno=res)
_libtaos.tmq_unsubscribe.argtypes = (c_void_p,)
_libtaos.tmq_unsubscribe.restype = c_int
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["tmq_unsubscribe"] = err
def tmq_unsubscribe(tmq):
# type (c_void_p,) -> None
res = _libtaos.tmq_unsubscribe(tmq)
if res != 0:
raise TmqError(msg="failed on tmq_unsubscribe()", errno=res)
_libtaos.tmq_subscription.argtypes = (c_void_p, c_void_p)
_libtaos.tmq_subscription.restype = c_int
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["tmq_subscription"] = err
def tmq_subscription(tmq):
# type (c_void_p, c_void_p) -> [string]
topics = tmq_list_new()
res = _libtaos.tmq_subscription(tmq, byref(topics))
if res != 0:
raise TmqError(msg="failed on tmq_subscription()", errno=res)
res = tmq_list_to_c_array(topics)
return res;
_libtaos.tmq_consumer_poll.argtypes = (c_void_p, c_int64)
_libtaos.tmq_consumer_poll.restype = c_void_p
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["tmq_consumer_poll"] = err
def tmq_consumer_poll(tmq, wait_time):
# type (c_void_p, c_int64) -> c_void_p
return c_void_p(_libtaos.tmq_consumer_poll(tmq, wait_time))
_libtaos.tmq_consumer_close.argtypes = (c_void_p,)
_libtaos.tmq_consumer_close.restype = c_int
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["tmq_consumer_close"] = err
def tmq_consumer_close(tmq):
# type (c_void_p,) -> None
res = _libtaos.tmq_consumer_close(tmq)
if res != 0:
raise TmqError(msg="failed on tmq_consumer_close()", errno=res)
_libtaos.tmq_commit.argtypes = (c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int32)
_libtaos.tmq_commit.restype = c_int
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["tmq_commit"] = err
def tmq_commit(tmq, offset, _async):
# type (c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int32) -> None
res = _libtaos.tmq_commit(tmq, offset, _async)
if res != 0:
raise TmqError(msg="failed on tmq_commit()", errno=res)
_libtaos.tmq_get_topic_name.argtypes = (c_void_p,)
_libtaos.tmq_get_topic_name.restype = c_char_p
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["tmq_get_topic_name"] = err
def tmq_get_topic_name(res):
# type (c_void_p,) -> string
return _libtaos.tmq_get_topic_name(res).decode("utf-8")
_libtaos.tmq_get_vgroup_id.argtypes = (c_void_p,)
_libtaos.tmq_get_vgroup_id.restype = c_int
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["tmq_get_vgroup_id"] = err
def tmq_get_vgroup_id(res):
# type (c_void_p,) -> int
return _libtaos.tmq_get_vgroup_id(res)
_libtaos.tmq_get_table_name.argtypes = (c_void_p,)
_libtaos.tmq_get_table_name.restype = c_char_p
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["tmq_get_table_name"] = err
def tmq_get_table_name(res):
# type (c_void_p,) -> string
tb_name = _libtaos.tmq_get_table_name(res)
if tb_name:
return tb_name.decode("utf-8")
print("change to true in tmq config")
_libtaos.tmq_get_db_name.argtypes = (c_void_p,)
_libtaos.tmq_get_db_name.restype = c_char_p
except Exception as err:
_UNSUPPORTED["tmq_get_db_name"] = err
def tmq_get_db_name(res):
# type (c_void_p,) -> string
return _libtaos.tmq_get_db_name(res).decode("utf-8")
def _check_if_supported(func=None):
if not func:
func = inspect.stack()[1][3]
if func in _UNSUPPORTED:
raise InterfaceError(
"C function %s is not supported in v%s: %s" % (func, taos_get_client_info(), _UNSUPPORTED[func])
def unsupported_methods():
for m, e in range(_UNSUPPORTED):
print("unsupported %s: %s", m, e)
class CTaosInterface(object):
def __init__(self, config=None, tz=None):
Function to initialize the class
@host : str, hostname to connect
@user : str, username to connect to server
@password : str, password to connect to server
@db : str, default db to use when log in
@config : str, config directory
@rtype : None
if config is not None:
taos_options(TaosOption.ConfigDir, config)
if tz is not None:
taos_options(TaosOption.Timezone, tz)
def config(self):
"""Get current config"""
return self._config
def connect(self, host=None, user="root", password="taosdata", db=None, port=0):
Function to connect to server
@rtype: c_void_p, TDengine handle
return taos_connect(host, user, password, db, port)
if __name__ == "__main__":
cinter = CTaosInterface()
conn = cinter.connect()
result = cinter.query(conn, "show databases")
print("Query Affected rows: {}".format(cinter.affected_rows(result)))
fields = taos_fetch_fields_raw(result)
data, num_of_rows = taos_fetch_block(result, fields)
def taos_affected_rows(result)
The affected rows after runing query
Expand source code
def taos_affected_rows(result): # type: (c_void_p) -> c_int """The affected rows after runing query""" return _libtaos.taos_affected_rows(result)
def taos_cleanup()
Cleanup workspace.
Expand source code
def taos_cleanup(): # type: () -> None """Cleanup workspace.""" _libtaos.taos_cleanup()
def taos_close(connection)
Close the TAOS* connection
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def taos_close(connection): # type: (c_void_p) -> None """Close the TAOS* connection""" _libtaos.taos_close(connection)
def taos_connect(host=None, user='root', password='taosdata', db=None, port=0)
Create TDengine database connection.
- host: server hostname/FQDN
- user: user name
- password: user password
- db: database name (optional)
- port: server port
@rtype: c_void_p, TDengine handle
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def taos_connect(host=None, user="root", password="taosdata", db=None, port=0): # type: (None|str, str, str, None|str, int) -> c_void_p """Create TDengine database connection. - host: server hostname/FQDN - user: user name - password: user password - db: database name (optional) - port: server port @rtype: c_void_p, TDengine handle """ # host try: _host = c_char_p(host.encode("utf-8")) if host is not None else None except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("host is expected as a str") # user try: _user = c_char_p(user.encode("utf-8")) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("user is expected as a str") # password try: _password = c_char_p(password.encode("utf-8")) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("password is expected as a str") # db try: _db = c_char_p(db.encode("utf-8")) if db is not None else None except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("db is expected as a str") # port try: _port = c_uint16(port) except TypeError: raise TypeError("port is expected as an uint16") connection = cast(_libtaos.taos_connect(_host, _user, _password, _db, _port), c_void_p) if connection.value is None: null_ptr = c_void_p(None) errno = taos_errno(null_ptr) errstr = taos_errstr(null_ptr) raise ConnectionError(errstr, errno) return connection
def taos_connect_auth(host=None, user='root', auth='', db=None, port=0)
Connect server with auth token.
- host: server hostname/FQDN
- user: user name
- auth: base64 encoded auth token
- db: database name (optional)
- port: server port
@rtype: c_void_p, TDengine handle
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def taos_connect_auth(host=None, user="root", auth="", db=None, port=0): # type: (None|str, str, str, None|str, int) -> c_void_p """Connect server with auth token. - host: server hostname/FQDN - user: user name - auth: base64 encoded auth token - db: database name (optional) - port: server port @rtype: c_void_p, TDengine handle """ # host try: _host = c_char_p(host.encode("utf-8")) if host is not None else None except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("host is expected as a str") # user try: _user = c_char_p(user.encode("utf-8")) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("user is expected as a str") # auth try: _auth = c_char_p(auth.encode("utf-8")) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("password is expected as a str") # db try: _db = c_char_p(db.encode("utf-8")) if db is not None else None except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("db is expected as a str") # port try: _port = c_int(port) except TypeError: raise TypeError("port is expected as an int") connection = c_void_p(_libtaos.taos_connect_auth(_host, _user, _auth, _db, _port)) if connection.value is None: null_ptr = c_void_p(None) errno = taos_errno(null_ptr) errstr = taos_errstr(null_ptr) raise ConnectionError(errstr, errno) return connection
def taos_consume(sub)
Consume data of a subscription
Expand source code
def taos_consume(sub): """Consume data of a subscription""" return c_void_p(_libtaos.taos_consume(sub))
def taos_errno(result)
Return the error number.
Expand source code
def taos_errno(result): # type: (ctypes.c_void_p) -> c_int """Return the error number.""" return _libtaos.taos_errno(result)
def taos_errstr(result=c_void_p(None))
Return the error styring
Expand source code
def taos_errstr(result=c_void_p(None)): # type: (ctypes.c_void_p) -> str """Return the error styring""" return _libtaos.taos_errstr(result).decode("utf-8")
def taos_fetch_block(result, fields=None, field_count=None)
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def taos_fetch_block_v3(result, fields=None, field_count=None): if fields is None: fields = taos_fetch_fields(result) if field_count is None: field_count = taos_field_count(result) pblock = ctypes.c_void_p(0) num_of_rows = _libtaos.taos_fetch_block(result, ctypes.byref(pblock)) if num_of_rows == 0: return None, 0 precision = taos_result_precision(result) blocks = [None] * field_count for i in range(len(fields)): data = ctypes.cast(pblock, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p))[i] if fields[i]["type"] not in CONVERT_FUNC_BLOCK_v3 and fields[i]["type"] not in CONVERT_FUNC_BLOCK: raise DatabaseError("Invalid data type returned from database") offsets = [] is_null = [] if fields[i]["type"] in (FieldType.C_VARCHAR, FieldType.C_NCHAR, FieldType.C_JSON): offsets = taos_get_column_data_offset(result, i, num_of_rows) blocks[i] = CONVERT_FUNC_BLOCK_v3[fields[i]["type"]](data, is_null, num_of_rows, offsets, precision) else: is_null = [taos_is_null(result, j, i) for j in range(num_of_rows)] blocks[i] = CONVERT_FUNC_BLOCK[fields[i]["type"]](data, is_null, num_of_rows, offsets, precision) return blocks, abs(num_of_rows)
def taos_fetch_block_raw(result)
Expand source code
def taos_fetch_block_raw(result): pblock = ctypes.c_void_p(0) num_of_rows = _libtaos.taos_fetch_block(result, ctypes.byref(pblock)) if num_of_rows == 0: return None, 0 return pblock, abs(num_of_rows)
def taos_fetch_block_v2(result, fields=None, field_count=None)
Expand source code
def taos_fetch_block_v2(result, fields=None, field_count=None): pblock = ctypes.c_void_p(0) num_of_rows = _libtaos.taos_fetch_block(result, ctypes.byref(pblock)) if num_of_rows == 0: return None, 0 precision = taos_result_precision(result) if fields is None: fields = taos_fetch_fields(result) if field_count is None: field_count = taos_field_count(result) blocks = [None] * field_count fieldLen = taos_fetch_lengths(result, field_count) for i in range(len(fields)): data = ctypes.cast(pblock, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p))[i] if fields[i]["type"] not in CONVERT_FUNC: raise DatabaseError("Invalid data type returned from database") is_null = [taos_is_null(result, j, i) for j in range(num_of_rows)] blocks[i] = CONVERT_FUNC_BLOCK[fields[i]["type"]](data, is_null, num_of_rows, fieldLen[i], precision) return blocks, abs(num_of_rows)
def taos_fetch_block_v3(result, fields=None, field_count=None)
Expand source code
def taos_fetch_block_v3(result, fields=None, field_count=None): if fields is None: fields = taos_fetch_fields(result) if field_count is None: field_count = taos_field_count(result) pblock = ctypes.c_void_p(0) num_of_rows = _libtaos.taos_fetch_block(result, ctypes.byref(pblock)) if num_of_rows == 0: return None, 0 precision = taos_result_precision(result) blocks = [None] * field_count for i in range(len(fields)): data = ctypes.cast(pblock, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p))[i] if fields[i]["type"] not in CONVERT_FUNC_BLOCK_v3 and fields[i]["type"] not in CONVERT_FUNC_BLOCK: raise DatabaseError("Invalid data type returned from database") offsets = [] is_null = [] if fields[i]["type"] in (FieldType.C_VARCHAR, FieldType.C_NCHAR, FieldType.C_JSON): offsets = taos_get_column_data_offset(result, i, num_of_rows) blocks[i] = CONVERT_FUNC_BLOCK_v3[fields[i]["type"]](data, is_null, num_of_rows, offsets, precision) else: is_null = [taos_is_null(result, j, i) for j in range(num_of_rows)] blocks[i] = CONVERT_FUNC_BLOCK[fields[i]["type"]](data, is_null, num_of_rows, offsets, precision) return blocks, abs(num_of_rows)
def taos_fetch_fields(result)
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def taos_fetch_fields(result): # type: (c_void_p) -> TaosFields fields = taos_fetch_fields_raw(result) count = taos_field_count(result) return TaosFields(fields, count)
def taos_fetch_fields_raw(result)
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def taos_fetch_fields_raw(result): # type: (c_void_p) -> c_void_p return c_void_p(_libtaos.taos_fetch_fields(result))
def taos_fetch_lengths(result, field_count=None)
Make sure to call taos_fetch_row or taos_fetch_block before fetch_lengths
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def taos_fetch_lengths(result, field_count=None): # type: (c_void_p, int) -> Array[int] """Make sure to call taos_fetch_row or taos_fetch_block before fetch_lengths""" lens = _libtaos.taos_fetch_lengths(result) if field_count is None: field_count = taos_field_count(result) if not lens: raise OperationalError("field length empty, use taos_fetch_row/block before it") return lens[:field_count]
def taos_fetch_row(result, fields)
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def taos_fetch_row(result, fields): # type: (c_void_p, Array[TaosField]) -> tuple(c_void_p, int) pblock = ctypes.c_void_p(0) pblock = taos_fetch_row_raw(result) if pblock: num_of_rows = 1 precision = taos_result_precision(result) field_count = taos_field_count(result) blocks = [None] * field_count field_lens = taos_fetch_lengths(result, field_count) for i in range(field_count): data = ctypes.cast(pblock, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p))[i] if fields[i].type not in CONVERT_FUNC: raise DatabaseError("Invalid data type returned from database") if data is None: blocks[i] = [None] else: blocks[i] = CONVERT_FUNC[fields[i].type](data, [False], num_of_rows, field_lens[i], precision) else: return None, 0 return blocks, abs(num_of_rows)
def taos_fetch_row_raw(result)
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def taos_fetch_row_raw(result): # type: (c_void_p) -> c_void_p row = c_void_p(_libtaos.taos_fetch_row(result)) if row: return row return None
def taos_fetch_rows_a(result, callback, param)
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def taos_fetch_rows_a(result, callback, param): # type: (c_void_p, async_fetch_rows_callback_type, c_void_p) -> c_void_p _libtaos.taos_fetch_rows_a(result, async_fetch_rows_callback_type(callback), param)
def taos_field_count(result)
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def taos_field_count(result): # type: (c_void_p) -> int return _libtaos.taos_field_count(result)
def taos_free_result(result)
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def taos_free_result(result): # type: (c_void_p) -> None if result is not None: _libtaos.taos_free_result(result)
def taos_get_client_info()
Get client version info.
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def taos_get_client_info(): # type: () -> str """Get client version info.""" return _libtaos.taos_get_client_info().decode("utf-8")
def taos_get_column_data_offset(result, field, rows)
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def taos_get_column_data_offset(result, field, rows): # Make sure to call taos_get_column_data_offset after taos_fetch_block() offsets = _libtaos.taos_get_column_data_offset(result, field) if not offsets: raise OperationalError("offsets empty, use taos_fetch_block before it") return offsets[:rows]
def taos_get_server_info(connection)
Get server version as string.
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def taos_get_server_info(connection): # type: (c_void_p) -> str """Get server version as string.""" return _libtaos.taos_get_server_info(connection).decode("utf-8")
def taos_init()
C: taos_init
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def taos_init(): # type: () -> None """ C: taos_init """ _libtaos.taos_init()
def taos_is_null(result, row, col)
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def taos_is_null(result, row, col): return _libtaos.taos_is_null(result, row, col)
def taos_load_table_info(connection, tables)
Stop current query
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def taos_load_table_info(connection, tables): # type: (ctypes.c_void_p, str) -> None """Stop current query""" _check_if_supported() errno = _libtaos.taos_load_table_info(connection, c_char_p(tables.encode("utf-8"))) if errno != 0: msg = taos_errstr() raise OperationalError(msg, errno)
def taos_num_fields(result)
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def taos_num_fields(result): # type: (c_void_p) -> int return _libtaos.taos_num_fields(result)
def taos_options(option, value)
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def taos_options(option, value): # type: (TaosOption, str) -> None _value = c_char_p(value.encode("utf-8")) _libtaos.taos_options(option, _value)
def taos_print_row(row, fields, num_fields, buffer_size=4096)
Print an row to string
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def taos_print_row(row, fields, num_fields, buffer_size=4096): # type: (ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p | TaosFields, int, int) -> str """Print an row to string""" p = ctypes.create_string_buffer(buffer_size) if isinstance(fields, TaosFields): _libtaos.taos_print_row(p, row, fields.as_ptr(), num_fields) else: _libtaos.taos_print_row(p, row, fields, num_fields) if p: return p.value.decode("utf-8") raise OperationalError("taos_print_row failed")
def taos_query(connection, sql)
- sql: str, sql string to run
@return: TAOS_RES*, result pointer
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def taos_query(connection, sql): # type: (c_void_p, str) -> c_void_p """Run SQL - sql: str, sql string to run @return: TAOS_RES*, result pointer """ try: ptr = c_char_p(sql.encode("utf-8")) res = c_void_p(_libtaos.taos_query(connection, ptr)) errno = taos_errno(res) if errno != 0: errstr = taos_errstr(res) taos_free_result(res) raise ProgrammingError(errstr, errno) return res except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("sql is expected as a string")
def taos_query_a(connection, sql, callback, param)
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def taos_query_a(connection, sql, callback, param): # type: (c_void_p, str, async_query_callback_type, c_void_p) -> c_void_p _libtaos.taos_query_a(connection, c_char_p(sql.encode("utf-8")), async_query_callback_type(callback), param)
def taos_result_precision(result)
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def taos_result_precision(result): # type: (c_void_p) -> c_int return _libtaos.taos_result_precision(result)
def taos_schemaless_insert(connection, lines, protocol, precision)
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def taos_schemaless_insert(connection, lines, protocol, precision): # type: (c_void_p, list[str] | tuple(str), SmlProtocol, SmlPrecision) -> int _check_if_supported() num_of_lines = len(lines) lines = (c_char_p(line.encode("utf-8")) for line in lines) lines_type = ctypes.c_char_p * num_of_lines p_lines = lines_type(*lines) res = c_void_p(_libtaos.taos_schemaless_insert(connection, p_lines, num_of_lines, protocol, precision)) errno = taos_errno(res) affected_rows = taos_affected_rows(res) if errno != 0: errstr = taos_errstr(res) taos_free_result(res) raise SchemalessError(errstr, errno, affected_rows) taos_free_result(res) return affected_rows
def taos_select_db(connection, db)
Select database, eq to sql: use
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def taos_select_db(connection, db): # type: (ctypes.c_void_p, str) -> None """Select database, eq to sql: use <db>""" res = _libtaos.taos_select_db(connection, ctypes.c_char_p(db.encode("utf-8"))) if res != 0: raise DatabaseError("select database error", res)
def taos_stmt_add_batch(stmt)
Add current params into batch @stmt: TAOS_STMT*
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def taos_stmt_add_batch(stmt): # type: (ctypes.c_void_p) -> None """Add current params into batch @stmt: TAOS_STMT* """ res = _libtaos.taos_stmt_add_batch(stmt) if res != 0: raise StatementError(msg=taos_stmt_errstr(stmt), errno=res)
def taos_stmt_affected_rows(stmt)
Get stmt affected rows. @stmt: TAOS_STMT*
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def taos_stmt_affected_rows(stmt): # type: (ctypes.c_void_p) -> int """Get stmt affected rows. @stmt: TAOS_STMT* """ _check_if_supported() return _libtaos.taos_stmt_affected_rows(stmt)
def taos_stmt_bind_param(stmt, bind)
Bind params in the statement query. @stmt: TAOS_STMT @bind: TAOS_BIND
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def taos_stmt_bind_param(stmt, bind): # type: (ctypes.c_void_p, Array[TaosBind]) -> None """Bind params in the statement query. @stmt: TAOS_STMT* @bind: TAOS_BIND* """ # ptr = ctypes.cast(bind, POINTER(TaosBind)) # ptr = pointer(bind) res = _libtaos.taos_stmt_bind_param(stmt, bind) if res != 0: raise StatementError(msg=taos_stmt_errstr(stmt), errno=res)
def taos_stmt_bind_param_batch(stmt, bind)
Bind params in the statement query. @stmt: TAOS_STMT @bind: TAOS_BIND
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def taos_stmt_bind_param_batch(stmt, bind): # type: (ctypes.c_void_p, Array[TaosMultiBind]) -> None """Bind params in the statement query. @stmt: TAOS_STMT* @bind: TAOS_BIND* """ # ptr = ctypes.cast(bind, POINTER(TaosMultiBind)) # ptr = pointer(bind) _check_if_supported() res = _libtaos.taos_stmt_bind_param_batch(stmt, bind) if res != 0: raise StatementError(msg=taos_stmt_errstr(stmt), errno=res)
def taos_stmt_bind_single_param_batch(stmt, bind, col)
Bind params in the statement query. @stmt: TAOS_STMT @bind: TAOS_MULTI_BIND @col: column index
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def taos_stmt_bind_single_param_batch(stmt, bind, col): # type: (ctypes.c_void_p, Array[TaosMultiBind], c_int) -> None """Bind params in the statement query. @stmt: TAOS_STMT* @bind: TAOS_MULTI_BIND* @col: column index """ _check_if_supported() res = _libtaos.taos_stmt_bind_single_param_batch(stmt, bind, col) if res != 0: raise StatementError(msg=taos_stmt_errstr(stmt), errno=res)
def taos_stmt_close(stmt)
Close a statement query @stmt: c_void_p TAOS_STMT*
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def taos_stmt_close(stmt): # type: (ctypes.c_void_p) -> None """Close a statement query @stmt: c_void_p TAOS_STMT* """ res = _libtaos.taos_stmt_close(stmt) if res != 0: raise StatementError(msg=taos_stmt_errstr(stmt), errno=res)
def taos_stmt_errstr(stmt)
Get error message from stetement query @stmt: c_void_p TAOS_STMT*
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def taos_stmt_errstr(stmt): # type: (ctypes.c_void_p) -> str """Get error message from stetement query @stmt: c_void_p TAOS_STMT* """ _check_if_supported() err = c_char_p(_libtaos.taos_stmt_errstr(stmt)) if err: return err.value.decode("utf-8")
def taos_stmt_execute(stmt)
Execute a statement query @stmt: TAOS_STMT*
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def taos_stmt_execute(stmt): # type: (ctypes.c_void_p) -> None """Execute a statement query @stmt: TAOS_STMT* """ res = _libtaos.taos_stmt_execute(stmt) if res != 0: raise StatementError(msg=taos_stmt_errstr(stmt), errno=res)
def taos_stmt_init(connection)
Create a statement query @param(connection): c_void_p TAOS @rtype: c_void_p, TAOS_STMT
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def taos_stmt_init(connection): # type: (c_void_p) -> (c_void_p) """Create a statement query @param(connection): c_void_p TAOS* @rtype: c_void_p, *TAOS_STMT """ return c_void_p(_libtaos.taos_stmt_init(connection))
def taos_stmt_is_insert(stmt)
Set table name with tags bind params. @stmt: c_void_p TAOS_STMT*
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def taos_stmt_is_insert(stmt): # type: (ctypes.c_void_p) -> bool """Set table name with tags bind params. @stmt: c_void_p TAOS_STMT* """ is_insert = ctypes.c_int() res = _libtaos.taos_stmt_is_insert(stmt, ctypes.byref(is_insert)) if res != 0: raise StatementError(msg=taos_stmt_errstr(stmt), errno=res) return is_insert == 0
def taos_stmt_num_params(stmt)
Params number of the current statement query. @stmt: TAOS_STMT*
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def taos_stmt_num_params(stmt): # type: (ctypes.c_void_p) -> int """Params number of the current statement query. @stmt: TAOS_STMT* """ num_params = ctypes.c_int() res = _libtaos.taos_stmt_num_params(stmt, ctypes.byref(num_params)) if res != 0: raise StatementError(msg=taos_stmt_errstr(stmt), errno=res) return num_params.value
def taos_stmt_prepare(stmt, sql)
Prepare a statement query @stmt: c_void_p TAOS_STMT*
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def taos_stmt_prepare(stmt, sql): # type: (ctypes.c_void_p, str) -> None """Prepare a statement query @stmt: c_void_p TAOS_STMT* """ buffer = sql.encode("utf-8") res = _libtaos.taos_stmt_prepare(stmt, ctypes.c_char_p(buffer), len(buffer)) if res != 0: raise StatementError(msg=taos_stmt_errstr(stmt), errno=res)
def taos_stmt_set_tbname(stmt, name)
Set table name of a statement query if exists. @stmt: c_void_p TAOS_STMT*
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def taos_stmt_set_tbname(stmt, name): # type: (ctypes.c_void_p, str) -> None """Set table name of a statement query if exists. @stmt: c_void_p TAOS_STMT* """ _check_if_supported() res = _libtaos.taos_stmt_set_tbname(stmt, c_char_p(name.encode("utf-8"))) if res != 0: raise StatementError(msg=taos_stmt_errstr(stmt), errno=res)
Set table name with tags bind params. @stmt: c_void_p TAOS_STMT*
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def taos_stmt_set_tbname_tags(stmt, name, tags): # type: (c_void_p, str, c_void_p) -> None """Set table name with tags bind params. @stmt: c_void_p TAOS_STMT* """ _check_if_supported() res = _libtaos.taos_stmt_set_tbname_tags(stmt, ctypes.c_char_p(name.encode("utf-8")), tags) if res != 0: raise StatementError(msg=taos_stmt_errstr(stmt), errno=res)
def taos_stmt_use_result(stmt)
Get result of the statement. @stmt: TAOS_STMT*
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def taos_stmt_use_result(stmt): # type: (ctypes.c_void_p) -> None """Get result of the statement. @stmt: TAOS_STMT* """ _check_if_supported() result = c_void_p(_libtaos.taos_stmt_use_result(stmt)) if result is None: raise StatementError(taos_stmt_errstr(stmt)) return result
def taos_stop_query(result)
Stop current query
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def taos_stop_query(result): # type: (ctypes.c_void_p) -> None """Stop current query""" return _libtaos.taos_stop_query(result)
def taos_subscribe(connection, restart, topic, sql, interval, callback=None, param=None)
Create a subscription @restart boolean, @sql string, sql statement for data query, must be a 'select' statement. @topic string, name of this subscription
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def taos_subscribe(connection, restart, topic, sql, interval, callback=None, param=None): # type: (c_void_p, bool, str, str, c_int, subscribe_callback_type, c_void_p | None) -> c_void_p """Create a subscription @restart boolean, @sql string, sql statement for data query, must be a 'select' statement. @topic string, name of this subscription """ if callback is not None: callback = subscribe_callback_type(callback) return c_void_p( _libtaos.taos_subscribe( connection, 1 if restart else 0, c_char_p(topic.encode("utf-8")), c_char_p(sql.encode("utf-8")), callback, c_void_p(param), interval, ) )
def taos_unsubscribe(sub, keep_progress)
Cancel a subscription
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def taos_unsubscribe(sub, keep_progress): """Cancel a subscription""" _libtaos.taos_unsubscribe(sub, 1 if keep_progress else 0)
def taos_use_result(result)
Use result after calling self.query, it's just for 1.6.
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def taos_use_result(result): """Use result after calling self.query, it's just for 1.6.""" fields = [] pfields = taos_fetch_fields_raw(result) for i in range(taos_field_count(result)): fields.append( { "name": pfields[i].name, "bytes": pfields[i].bytes, "type": pfields[i].type, } ) return fields
def taos_validate_sql(connection, sql)
Get taosd server info
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def taos_validate_sql(connection, sql): # type: (ctypes.c_void_p, str) -> None | str """Get taosd server info""" errno = _libtaos.taos_validate_sql(connection, ctypes.c_char_p(sql.encode("utf-8"))) if errno != 0: msg = taos_errstr() return msg return None
def tmq_commit(tmq, offset, _async)
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def tmq_commit(tmq, offset, _async): # type (c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int32) -> None _check_if_supported() res = _libtaos.tmq_commit(tmq, offset, _async) if res != 0: raise TmqError(msg="failed on tmq_commit()", errno=res)
def tmq_conf_destroy(conf)
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def tmq_conf_destroy(conf): # type (c_void_p,) -> None _check_if_supported() _libtaos.tmq_conf_destroy(conf)
def tmq_conf_new()
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def tmq_conf_new(): # type: () -> c_void_p _check_if_supported() return c_void_p(_libtaos.tmq_conf_new())
def tmq_conf_set(conf, key, value)
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def tmq_conf_set(conf, key, value): # type: (c_void_p, c_char_p, c_char_p) -> None _check_if_supported() res = _libtaos.tmq_conf_set(conf, ctypes.c_char_p(key.encode("utf-8")), ctypes.c_char_p(value.encode("utf-8"))) if res != 0: raise TmqError(msg=f"fail to execute tmq_conf_set({key},{value}), code={res}", errno=res)
def tmq_conf_set_auto_commit_cb(conf, cb, param)
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def tmq_conf_set_auto_commit_cb(conf, cb, param): # type (c_void_p, tmq_commit_cb, c_void_p) -> None _check_if_supported() _libtaos.tmq_conf_set_auto_commit_cb(conf, tmq_commit_cb(cb), param)
def tmq_consumer_close(tmq)
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def tmq_consumer_close(tmq): # type (c_void_p,) -> None _check_if_supported() res = _libtaos.tmq_consumer_close(tmq) if res != 0: raise TmqError(msg="failed on tmq_consumer_close()", errno=res)
def tmq_consumer_new(conf, errstrlen=0)
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def tmq_consumer_new(conf, errstrlen=0): # type (c_void_p, c_char_p, c_int) -> c_void_p _check_if_supported() buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(errstrlen) tmq = cast(_libtaos.tmq_consumer_new(conf, buf, errstrlen), c_void_p) if tmq.value is None: raise TmqError("failed on tmq_consumer_new") return tmq
def tmq_consumer_poll(tmq, wait_time)
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def tmq_consumer_poll(tmq, wait_time): # type (c_void_p, c_int64) -> c_void_p _check_if_supported() return c_void_p(_libtaos.tmq_consumer_poll(tmq, wait_time))
def tmq_get_db_name(res)
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def tmq_get_db_name(res): # type (c_void_p,) -> string _check_if_supported() return _libtaos.tmq_get_db_name(res).decode("utf-8")
def tmq_get_table_name(res)
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def tmq_get_table_name(res): # type (c_void_p,) -> string _check_if_supported() tb_name = _libtaos.tmq_get_table_name(res) if tb_name: return tb_name.decode("utf-8") else: print("change to true in tmq config")
def tmq_get_topic_name(res)
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def tmq_get_topic_name(res): # type (c_void_p,) -> string _check_if_supported() return _libtaos.tmq_get_topic_name(res).decode("utf-8")
def tmq_get_vgroup_id(res)
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def tmq_get_vgroup_id(res): # type (c_void_p,) -> int _check_if_supported() return _libtaos.tmq_get_vgroup_id(res)
def tmq_list_append(list, topic)
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def tmq_list_append(list, topic): # type (c_void_p, c_char_p) -> None _check_if_supported() res = _libtaos.tmq_list_append(list, ctypes.c_char_p(topic.encode("utf-8"))) return res
def tmq_list_destroy(list)
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def tmq_list_destroy(list): _check_if_supported() # type (c_void_p,) -> None _libtaos.tmq_list_destroy(list)
def tmq_list_new()
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def tmq_list_new(): # type () -> c_void_p _check_if_supported() return c_void_p(_libtaos.tmq_list_new())
def tmq_list_to_c_array(list)
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def tmq_list_to_c_array(list): # type (c_void_p,) -> [string] _check_if_supported() _check_if_supported("tmq_list_get_size") c_array = _libtaos.tmq_list_to_c_array(list) size = _libtaos.tmq_list_get_size(list) res = [] for i in range(size): res.append(c_array[i].decode("utf-8")) return res
def tmq_subscribe(tmq, list)
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def tmq_subscribe(tmq, list): # type (c_void_p, c_void_p) -> None _check_if_supported() res = _libtaos.tmq_subscribe(tmq, list) if res != 0: raise TmqError(msg="failed on tmq_subscribe()", errno=res)
def tmq_subscription(tmq)
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def tmq_subscription(tmq): # type (c_void_p, c_void_p) -> [string] _check_if_supported() topics = tmq_list_new() res = _libtaos.tmq_subscription(tmq, byref(topics)) if res != 0: raise TmqError(msg="failed on tmq_subscription()", errno=res) res = tmq_list_to_c_array(topics) tmq_list_destroy(topics) return res;
def tmq_unsubscribe(tmq)
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def tmq_unsubscribe(tmq): # type (c_void_p,) -> None _check_if_supported() res = _libtaos.tmq_unsubscribe(tmq) if res != 0: raise TmqError(msg="failed on tmq_unsubscribe()", errno=res)
def unsupported_methods()
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def unsupported_methods(): for m, e in range(_UNSUPPORTED): print("unsupported %s: %s", m, e)
class CTaosInterface (config=None, tz=None)
Function to initialize the class @host : str, hostname to connect @user : str, username to connect to server @password : str, password to connect to server @db : str, default db to use when log in @config : str, config directory
@rtype : None
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class CTaosInterface(object): def __init__(self, config=None, tz=None): """ Function to initialize the class @host : str, hostname to connect @user : str, username to connect to server @password : str, password to connect to server @db : str, default db to use when log in @config : str, config directory @rtype : None """ if config is not None: taos_options(TaosOption.ConfigDir, config) if tz is not None: set_tz(pytz.timezone(tz)) taos_options(TaosOption.Timezone, tz) @property def config(self): """Get current config""" return self._config def connect(self, host=None, user="root", password="taosdata", db=None, port=0): """ Function to connect to server @rtype: c_void_p, TDengine handle """ return taos_connect(host, user, password, db, port)
Instance variables
var config
Get current config
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@property def config(self): """Get current config""" return self._config
def connect(self, host=None, user='root', password='taosdata', db=None, port=0)
Function to connect to server
@rtype: c_void_p, TDengine handle
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def connect(self, host=None, user="root", password="taosdata", db=None, port=0): """ Function to connect to server @rtype: c_void_p, TDengine handle """ return taos_connect(host, user, password, db, port)
class TaosOption
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class TaosOption: Locale = 0 Charset = 1 Timezone = 2 ConfigDir = 3 ShellActivityTimer = 4 MaxOptions = 5
Class variables
var Charset
var ConfigDir
var Locale
var MaxOptions
var ShellActivityTimer
var Timezone